Question: How had was it when you had a bone cancer?
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Valerie Bradley answered on 9 Nov 2019:
It was really awful. I was diagnosed right before I started my first year of high school (9th grade). I was a really dedicated soccer player, and one of the hardest parts of having cancer was having surgery to remove the tumor that meant that I could never play soccer again. I kept going to school while I was on chemo, and focusing on other things that I was good at (school, particularly maths), helped me get through that year. And I had an AMAZING network of family and friends who really supported me (and who still do). I’m really lucky that I only needed chemo for about 9 months, and have been cancer-free ever since, but still have a bunch of physical limitations because of the surgery. Recovery took a LONG time, and in some ways will never stop. But I’m not sure that I would have ended up where I am today without having had cancer, and I really love my life, so I try to focus on that!
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