My work: I'm interested in understanding the scientific principles underlying intelligence.
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Latest Question:what type of experiments do you do
Latest Comment:Am i being watched by the Gov (1 comments)
My work: Developing methods for prediction with messy, aggregated or biased data
Latest Question:why science?
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My work: I work on AI methods to allow robots to plan and execute behaviour for missions that last from minutes to months.
Latest Question:What happens if the code in a robot malfunctions?
My work: How should we use new technology, to make sure that they benefit everyone? This is an ethical question, and is the kind of question my work tries to...
Latest Question:What is the hardest thing in your field?
My work: I am interested in developing algorithms which can truly 'think’ and 'understand’.
Latest Question:describe you position (job) in one sentance
My work: Working on responsible AI and AI for families
Latest Question:who is responsible if AI geos wrong
My work: I'm a Statistics DPhil student looking into genetic data
Latest Question:What is the brightest thing in the universe?
My work: I study competitive multi-robot systems
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My work: Researcher in mathematics and Artificial intelligence
Latest Comment:What do you do? (1 comments)