Lin Shuyu answered on 12 Nov 2019:
I always wonder the same question. I think the short answer is: ‘nobody knows.’
There are quite a few documentaries (I think you can find some of them on netflix) about the origin of solar system/earth/life. It all just happened. At the very beginning, the ocean is like a nutritious soup and out of a sudden, the first cell creature appeared. It absorbed materials from surroundings and converted it to some form of energy and developed some form of reproduction. I guess that’s the start of life, from some documentary I saw. But we never know whether it’s a must happen event. Actually, I think it might be just a coincident. It could happen on early, or it could happen on another planet where a soupy environment also exists, or it could happen at a place which is very different from early and form lives that are very different from us or anything on earth. Everything important is a probability problem. I’m pretty sure there is a probabilistic component in the start of life. If you are really interested in this, maybe you can consider to study biology or space science.
Brian Zhang answered on 14 Nov 2019:
Just to follow up on Lin’s excellent response, there’s also the question of whether life has emerged on other planets, and maybe it happened in a completely different way than on Earth! So yeah, space science sounds like a cool way to study this! (Specifically exoplanets)
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