
Sarah Finnegan


We try to uncover how the brain organises the colour, shape and motion using tiny maps.
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Sabina Fiolna


I’m reading about dwarf mammoths in Siberia and 2000-year-old mud from lake bottoms in Turkey to say if people exercised naked and ate bananas.
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Raquel Pinacho


I look into how neurons in different brain areas talk to each other to produce our emotions.
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Patrick Esser


I help people with brain injuries, by playing with cool gadgets such as smart-tattoos and phone apps!
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Ophélie Lebrasseur


I analyse the DNA from old chicken bones found on archaeological sites to understand how they first travelled across Europe
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Mary-Kay Thompson


I want to learn how young fruit fly brains grow into adult brains and how they know when to stop growing.
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Gergely Rost


I am using mathematics to figure out the best ways to fight infectious diseases, such as the flu, measles or malaria.
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Imogen Goold


Do you own your own body? I work on legal and ethical questions in medicine
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Andreas Zoettl


I want to know how bacteria move in the human body, and how mucus trap them and stop them doing bad things!
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